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Cross Tape Method - What Cross Tape Can Do to Relieve Pain

What is kinesio cross tape

A new form of tapes available for taping practitioners is kinesio cross tapes. It is a self-help technique without medication involved. Cross tapes are small, polyester tapes with an adhesive acrylic coating.

The water-resistant cross tapes are free of medication and active ingredients and mostly can be used for local points of pain, trigger or acupuncture points, tense muscles, painful joints, headaches, or painful scars.

The tapes are applied directly over points of pain. Depending on the wearing conditions, they can adhere to the skin for a period up to several days. The tapes are available in different sizes (M, L, and XL) and, in contrast to KT, they are not elastic and are unable to follow the skin when it is stretched

Cross tape are of lots of benefits, and are known to alleviate symptoms of variety of issues, such as sore joints, insomnia, painful joints, headaches, tense muscles, knee pain, etc.

Then who can use cross tape?

Any audlt can use cross tape as a self-help technique. It is not advised to use for young children and elderly people and pregnant women.

Since it is a self-help method, it is suggested to consult doctors or therapists if you experience pain. Cross tape is not a root cause and it is intended to alleviate the pain.

How to use cross tape for pain relief?

Cross tapes that supplied by us have 4 sizes. The XL, L, M and Small. Choose a proper size of cross tape according to the pain area.

First, stretch the skin before applying the cross tape.

Second, peel off one application from the backing paper. It creates static when peeling so the cross tape is easy to attach to the skin.

It is quite easy to apply a cross tape with just two simple step. But make sure your skin is in dry condition before sticking in on.

How to Use Kinesio Cross Tape

These is the demostration how to use kinesio cross tape to apply on the pain point:

Shoulder pain:

cross tape shoulder pain

Knee pain:

cross tape knee pain


cross tape headache

Wrist pain:

cross tape wrist pain
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