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What is Cohesive Bandage and The Way to Use it

Cohesive bandage is a medical adhesive bandage made of elasticated and self-adhesive material that is widely used in physiotherapy. It is used primarily for compression and support of muscles, joints, and soft tissues during a variety of orthopedic conditions such as sprains, strains, and minor injuries.

The cohesive bandage can also be used as a protective wrap to help prevent the occurrence of new injuries or in post-surgical rehabilitation. The material is flexible, stretchable, and strong enough to adhere securely to itself without the need for pins or clips, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications.

In physiotherapy, the cohesive bandage is used to wrap around the affected area, providing support and compression to reduce swelling and inflammation. The correct application of cohesive bandage is essential to ensure that it offers the greatest benefits to the patient. It is important to wrap the bandage in the correct direction (from distal to proximal) to apply even pressure and prevent constriction.

Some Application of The Cohesive Bandage For Physiotherapy

How To Use Bandage On Hand

To wrap your wrist with cohesive bandage, follow these steps:

Start by holding the end of the bandage on the inside of your wrist, just below your palm.

Wrap the bandage around your wrist twice, making sure to overlap the previous layer slightly.

As you wrap, keep the tension even and snug, but not too tight.

Continue wrapping up your wrist, covering the width of your wrist joint and stopping just below the bottom of your thumb.

To finish, twist the end of the bandage a few times and press it down firmly on the back of your wrist.

Make sure the wrap is snug, but not too tight that it cuts off circulation or makes your hand feel numb.

Consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about using this self adhesive for wrist support.

Wrap To Secure Ice Pack

Start by placing the ice pack on the area that needs treatment and hold it with one hand.

With your other hand, take the beginning of the cohesive bandage and start wrapping it around the ice pack while carefully pulling the bandage to make it snug but not too tight.

Continue wrapping the cohesive bandage around the ice pack, making sure to overlap the previous layer by about half the width of the bandage.

Keep wrapping until you have covered the entire ice pack and have reached the end of the cohesive bandage.

To secure the bandage, gently press the end of the bandage onto the wrapped area, allowing it to adhere to itself without sticking too tightly to your skin.

Make sure that the ice pack is secured in place and that the bandage is snug but not too tight. If you feel any discomfort, loosen the bandage slightly until you feel comfortable.

Remember to remove the ice pack after the recommended time to avoid skin damage or discomfort. Also, if you experience any persistent pain or swelling, seek medical advice.

Boxing Hand Wrap

Start with a roll of cohesive bandage that is about 2 inches wide.

Begin by wrapping the bandage around the wrist two to three times, making sure that it is snug but not too tight.

Next, wrap the bandage diagonally across the back of your hand and then around your thumb.

After completing the diagonal wrap around the thumb, bring the bandage back around to the wrist and wrap it once more.

Now, wrap the bandage around the base of your hand and your knuckles, making sure to cover all the areas that you will be striking with.

Finish by wrapping the bandage around the wrist again and securing it in place.

Repeat these steps with the other hand.

Remember to not wrap the bandage too tightly to prevent circulation problems. You also want to make sure the wrap is not too loose as it can slide around during training.

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